The Living Situation: Freddy’s Hot Rod Nursery

frddys nurseryI have always loved vintage cars. I could only pick out a handful of the popular ones that everyone knew, but I have always found them beautiful and I just love watching them drive by. An homage to a time I never knew, they exude style with beautiful lines and curves. The drivers know how much you like their cars, and more often than not, they are the ones who put all the blood, sweat and tears into it. A labor of love.

This love I had worked out really well when I met Sam because he and his dad have been working on vintage cars and trucks since Sam was a little tyke. And he plans on doing the same with Freddy. That’s why we thought it would be perfect to give his nursery a vintage hot rod theme. It will be eclectic of course, because I don’t know how to do it any other way, but that will be the major theme. Here are a few adorable things I’ve found for his room so far:

Photo Credit: Target / eBay

Photo Credit: Target / eBay

First Trike Crib Set from Target – It’s no longer available at Target but I found it new on eBay. I’m trying to find some more nursery bedding kits that aren’t through big box stores but are affordable, so if you know of any, please let me know!

Hot Rod Vintage Car Pillow / Photo Credit: Brandi Fitzgerald

Hot Rod Vintage Car Pillow / Photo Credit: Brandi Fitzgerald

I love this adorable pillow from Brandi Fitzgerald Fusion Arts and Photography!

Vintage Wall Decal Sticker / Photo Credit: Sticker Brand

Vintage Wall Decal Sticker / Photo Credit: Sticker Brand

You can choose from several color options for this vintage truck decal from Sticker Brand!

Photo courtesy of Rhinestone Armadillo

Photo courtesy of Rhinestone Armadillo

Sam already bought a carriage like this from a swap meet a lonnng time ago. It needs to be cleaned up before it graces the internet, though. We’ve decided we’re going to clean it up and get a bassinet mattress and blankets for the little dude so he can sleep in style.

Vintage pedal car

Vintage pedal car

We already have a vintage car for him, but I just fell in love with this pedal car when I saw it! I’m definitely going to be on the hunt for one, and he will just have a room filled with old cars.

What’s your take on decorating your living situation? Do you go vintage, new or a mix of both? Share in the comments and connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google + and Pinterest!

22 Weeks: Oh boy!

It’s official. I’m over the halfway mark! And we’re having a boy! Of course I would be happy with two spoiled princesses, but I was very happy to learn that we are having a boy. I tend to swoon over baby clothes and room decor that is typically labeled as “boys” than “girls,” and we’re doing an eclectic room for him that leans toward vintage hot rod, an ode to his father.

His room is still full of my table, craft supplies, halfway finished projects and everything I need for school. I think we’ll start getting serious about decorating his room in November, when all of our house painting is done and my stuff has all been moved into the back house. So, I haven’t bought much for his room, but I did find this adorable sign at an estate sale!

unnamedI, of course, already have a Pinterest board going and I’m excited to share some inspiration on the blog tomorrow! For now, I’m just enjoying feeling him kick and move all around. He’s much more active than Cecilia was, and my body aches a lot more than it did with her, but I am not as anxious as I was the first go’round, and I have not caught myself reading any baby books or visiting webMD. I think that comes with the experience and comfort of knowing we survived this just a couple years ago.

Right now, the only thing my body doesn’t like is beef (which I’m not concerned about, since I’m not a big fan in the first place) but it does like all things sweet! I got this german chocolate bar from Sweet Simone’s Baked Goods at the Sacramento Antique Faire yesterday, and I carried it all around with me yesterday until I got home and could enjoy it with some ice cream.

german chocolate

Click the photo to be directed to Kimberly’s Kitchen/ Sweet Simone

I still have half saved for tonight’s treat. Because I fear going a night without chocolate.

Cecilia does not quite understand that she’s going to be a big sister, but she adores little babies. We’ll just have to see how she reacts to one that doesn’t leave. She has been moved to a toddler bed, as my belly was making it hard to pick her up from her crib and she’s got her ABC’s and Old McDonald down. It’s so fun (and a little scary) watching her grow.

Have something to share? Leave me a comment here and connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google + and Pinterest! Thanks for hangin’ with me!

Mama Style Inspiration: The high-waisted skirt

mama style inspiration

Dresses and I just do not mix. I love them to death, and if I find the rare A-line dress that actually fits my body frame then I will buy it with a quickness, but other than that – nope. Now that I need to accommodate my ever-growing bump, it’s harder to find a dress that will fit on both the top and bottom, they always end up being baggy on top and I look disheveled. Like, more than usual. Cue in: the high-waisted skirt! The answer to all my “pear shape” wishes.

Photo belongs to Sewing in No Mans Land

Photo belongs to Sewing in No Mans Land

Maternity High-Waisted Skirt tutorial from Sewing in No Mans Land

Photo belongs to ONE little MOMMA

Photo belongs to ONE little MOMMA

Thrifted skirt from ONE little MOMMA

Photo belongs to Bleubird

Photo belongs to Bleubird

Thrifted skirt from Bleubird

Photo belongs to Love Taza

Photo belongs to Love Taza

29 week style from Love Taza

I’m not sure where the author of Love Taza got her skirt, but the others are either homemade or thrifted, which I love. Obviously, making an outfit can cost just about as much as buying it, if you have to purchase a pattern and get the fabric. But you get to customize it to your liking. If you have any mama style inspiration you would like to share, post it in the comments and connect with me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google + and Pinterest! Have a lovely week!

Mama Style: Thrifted

SONY DSCThis dress started out as a skirt that I got for one dollar when I was visiting Tahoe City years ago. I was not a fan of how it fit as a skirt, so I yanked that sucker up and put a belt on it, and voila! It was a cute dress. It has remained one of my favorite dresses for all of these years, and I get compliments on it every time I wear it.

The best thing about this dress is that it’s multi-purposed and also works as a maternity dress! Hooray! I just had to move the belt up a little and BAM! A maternity dress was made. I have a few skirts that I have turned into dresses, and I will say that you have to use the right material to make this work. Another skirt I have is made with a little thinner material, and bunches up too much when I made it into a dress and the belt also slips a lot, regardless of how tight I make it.

The posse is never far

The posse is never far

I also like that it’s long enough that I’m not uncomfortable wearing it. I have a hard time with maxi dresses because they are too long and mama doesn’t wear heels – or any elevated shoes, for that matter. And most summer dresses I have tried on are too short, especially when the bump is increasing in size. So for me, this dress is perfect.

The next time you are at a thrift store and see some awesome skirts that are a little too long for your liking, try to hike them up and dress it up with a belt. It will work with maternity and beyond! Just make sure that the top is elastic and it’s flows, so you can twirl when you’re wearing it, of course.

What is your favorite thrifted item that works with and without your baby bump? Share it in the comments and connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google + and Pinterest!

16 weeks already?

I have officially been pregnant for 16 weeks now, and I have a big ol bump to prove it! I’ve heard that you start showing a lot sooner with your second, especially if they are close in age. And boy is that true! I remember being 16 weeks with Cecilia and I barely had a bump, but now it’s out and ready to party. I’m also feeling kicks earlier. Cecilia likes to laugh at me every time I react to them, too.


I happened to have this dress from when I was pregnant with Cecilia and because I was a little bigger then, it’s wonderfully loose fitting (for the moment), which is perfect for this crazy heat.

Luckily this time around, I don’t have to be fearful of any food (I couldn’t get anywhere close to spinach with Cecilia), and I don’t have any new cravings either. I also don’t worry about every little thing, read every baby book or research every thing I fear online, because for one…I know what’s going on this time and two…I don’t have the time. The only books I’m reading right now are either written by Dr. Seuss, feature a Disney character or are part of a Baby Einstein book set.

Here are some things I’m loving on right now:

  • Frozen yogurt, but that’s not any different than with Cecilia. It’s the only thing I seriously crave. My favorite spots are Big Spoon, Vanilla Bean and there’s a frozen yogurt/cupcake spot in Roseville that I haven’t tried yet, but I’m sure it’s my favorite.
  • Burgers. I’ve never craved a burger before in my life. And for a long time now, I haven’t been a fan of red meat, so if I do get one, it’s either turkey, chicken or veggie. But right now…I want the real deal. Veggie and turkey burgers never sound good anymore. It truly has opened my world to the variety of burgers I can get now. I don’t eat them often, but when I’m craving one, they hit the spot. I love Burgers and Brew and Habit the best for said cravings.
  • Fresh fruit. Again, not something new. I’ve always loved fruit. But now I crave it more than anything and it always has to be on standby, namely strawberries, blueberries, bananas and nectarines. And with all the unhealthy cravings I have right now, it’s probably not a bad thing. And luckily I live in Sacramento, so I am surrounded by fresh fruit stands and Farmers Markets, like the huge one downtown on 8th and W on Sundays, the Tuesday Farmers Markets at the Fountains in Roseville, and of course – Denios on Sundays!
  • Loose fitting dresses and skirts. It’s too damn hot to wear jeans, and shorts can get uncomfortable so I have been sticking with dresses and skirts that I had in my closet, or have picked up at the thrift stores. They are perfect for your belly to grow in, and still work after pregnancy. I’m also lucky to have a mom who sews, and she’s been working on a skirt and dress for me!

Can’t stop, won’t stop

So excited that the next time I post a pregnancy update, I will know the baby’s gender – and name!

Thank you for joining me on my pregnancy adventure and be sure to connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google + and Pinterest for updates, inspiration and more!

Maternity Style Inspiration

Maternity Style InspirationThe other day I was folding my clean laundry and I started chuckling because I realized that my PJs and yoga pants were slowly starting to overtake my life again. And since the majority of my maternity clothes that have already reappeared in my closet are more suited for the fall, I am determined to add some Summer style to my wardrobe.

After spending a small fortune on maternity clothes last year – only to learn that they would not be in the cycle for long – I refuse to make that same mistake again. I’ve found some DIY maternity clothing tutorials, used maternity clothes and some easy and cheap accessories that should make the transition simple and cheap. Just my style.

Of course, my first stop was Pinterest. Where I found this beauty from A Beautiful Mess, one of my favorite sites for DIY and design inspiration.

Photo from A Beautiful Mess

Photo from A Beautiful Mess

This DIY Maternity Wrap Dress is freaking adorable, and since it doesn’t require me to use a sewing machine, it looks pretty simple! You just need four yards of fabric and the entire tutorial with photos is in the post.

It was also through Pinterest that I found my newest obsession – Cotton and Curls. She shares A LOT of DIY clothing tutorials, and even has a maternity section! Her posts make even the very beginners of seamstresses (hi, me) feel like they could actually make this stuff.

Photo from Cotton & Curls

Photo from Cotton & Curls

It was actually hard for me to pick just one post that I wanted to feature, but I just fell in love with this DIY Very gathered A-Line skirt when I saw it. The fabric is from Sarah Jane, and the entire tutorial with photos is in the post. She also noted that with the elastic and gathering, this skirt is not limited to maternity.

Photo from ThredUp

Photo from ThredUp

And if you don’t feel like making your own stuff (I get it), ThredUp has some pretty cute used maternity clothes, like this casual skirt from Motherhood, which retails for $27, but is selling for $8.49. I always get a little anxious about buying clothes online because I don’t know how they fit, but since I’ve worn Motherhood before, I feel comfortable with their sizes.

Photo from Prudent Baby

Photo from Prudent Baby

And if you were wondering what to do with your tights since your pregnant self is not going to fit into them during this hot season, turn them into head wraps, like the ladies of Prudent Baby showed on the YouTube Channel, The Mom’s View! I’m not a tights fan to begin with, but I could certainly get some cheap pairs for this project! You can find more head wrap inspiration on Honestly, WTF – another awesome site I landed on today.

If you are also expecting, how are you styling your cute lil pregnant self this summer? Share any inspiration, tips and DIY tutorials in the comments and connect with me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google + and Pinterest!


On to the second trimester!

When I woke up in the morning on Friday, it felt like it does on my birthday. You know that you are a year older, but yet everything still feels the same. Although I knew that Friday marked the first day of my second trimester, that all the fear and anxiety that came with the first trimester was now over, I still felt the same. I still felt nauseous when I woke up, I still couldn’t stand the smell of certain food and I still just craved a bagel and fresh fruit over anything else.

We all expect the second trimester to be this magical time in our pregnancy when all the all-day sickness and exhaustion comes to an end, and we will wake up every morning feeling like rock stars, ready to take on the day. So many of us say “oh, I can’t wait for the first trimester to be over, to be back to normal.” But we’re still making a baby, our body is still going through all whacky changes, whether or not we have been down this path before.


Not the greatest proof of my bump because of how that skirt fits, but I promise it’s there!

With all that said, there is a sense of freedom that comes with the completion of the first trimester. Since so much can happen during those first twelve weeks, it just feels more real when you’ve made it through that, for me at least. Some people don’t even announce their pregnancies until after the first trimester. Which would have been hard for me, since my bump came earlier than that anyway.

I guess it’s time to drag out all those bags of maternity clothes I was so happy to put away last year.

There has also been a sort of “coming of age” moment for my daughter, as well. Since her crib will be going to the new little one, we were lucky enough to get a toddler bed from my stepsister. I’ll post a picture when it’s out of the garage, but it’s white wood, and is just like the one I was looking at online. I can already see the faucets that will be pouring out of each of my eyes, when I take down her crib and put up her bed. I can also see all the bets that will be made on how many times she will get out of her bed and will mosey in to our room. I’m just thanking my lucky stars that we don’t have stairs.

Still isn’t eating solid food though, so I guess she isn’t growing up too fast.

Are you going through any changes in your life? If you happen to be pregnant, how is your pregnancy going for you so far? Share them in the comments and connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google + and Pinterest!