I’d Can That: A Canning Roundup

I'd Can That Roundup

Mason Jar Clipart from Creative Market / Click the photo for the link

Last year was the first year I ever attempted canning. It was actually the first year I ever thought about canning. My boyfriend got me a canner for my birthday (because these are the gift ideas I have nowadays) and a couple weeks before Christmas, I started canning like crazy, making apple and pumpkin butters for my family. That was the problem. I started way too late and became super stressed about the whole thing.

So, this year, I’m going to start a little earlier – making it a little more relaxing and enjoyable, and hopefully giving me time to try a couple new recipes. Luckily, canning recipes have been flooding all the proper social media channels, so there are plenty to choose from. I’m going to share some of my favorites today, in case you are also hoping to get a jump start on canning!

Photo Credit: Aubri / See Kate Sew

Pumpkin Butter / Photo Credit: Aubri / See Kate Sew

Of course I had to start with my favorite – PUMPKIN BUTTER!

I used this recipe from See Kate Sew last year and everyone loved it.

Photo Credit: Jackie / The Beeroness

Stout & Sriracha BBQ Sauce / Photo Credit: Jackie / The Beeroness

I know there are BBQ sauce connoisseurs and I’ll go ahead and tell you that I’m not one of them. However, I do love me a good stout and this Stout & Sriracha BBQ Sauce recipe from The Beeroness looks delicious!

Photo Credit: Annalise / Completely Delicious

Tomato-Basil Marinara / Photo Credit: Annalise / Completely Delicious

Ah, yes. The good ol’ marinara sauce.

This recipe from Completely Delicious is perfect because pretty much everyone uses marinara. I’ve always been a pesto fan, but my boyfriend likes marinara and so I’ll make a creamy marinara which is always yummy. Annalise made this recipe as part of a Canning Week link-up, which is definitely worth checking out.

Photo Credit: Becky / The Vintage Mixer

Maple Apricot Jam / Photo Credit: Becky / The Vintage Mixer

I can already imagine this Maple Apricot Jam from The Vintage Mixer spread atop a piece of freshly toasted bread

Raspberry Jalapeno Jam / Photo Credit: Leela / Rosemarried

Raspberry Jalapeno Jam / Photo Credit: Leela / Rosemarried

I adore jalapeno jam, and this Raspberry Jalapeno Jam from Rosemarried is the perfect twist on that

I can see putting this on top of my bagel and cream cheese in the morning!

Do you love canning? What are some of your favorite canning recipes? Share them in the comments and connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google + and Pinterest! Stay thrifty, my friends.